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25 Years of Sopris Homes

25 years of Sopris Homes

Spring 2019 marks a milestone in the timeline of Sopris Homes. We are very happy to be celebrating our 25th anniversary in March which marks the start of our very first home in 1994. John Stevens, President, laments how it all started and where we are headed. 

Sopris Homes Timeline

Q. When did you start Sopris Homes?

A. We started our first home in March 1994. It was completed seven months later in September 1994. (see featured image)

Q. Why/how did you start?

John Stevens of Sopris Homes
John Stevens, President of Sopris Homes in Boulder, Colorado celebrating 25 years of high performance custom homes.

A. I grew up in a developing neighborhood of about 75 homes of which we were one of the first residents. I literally grew up with homebuilding all around me. I enjoyed architecture classes in high school and competed well in the Illinois state HS Industrial Arts architecture competition. I framed house in summers during college. After college and grad school (MBA) I went into corporate management. I tired of that and wanted to out on my own and build houses.

Q. How many homes did you build your first year in 1994? 

A. We built two homes.

Q. How were you trying to differentiate yourself? What were you mainly building and where?

A. We focused on 4-BR family homes. Many of the established builders in our first neighborhoods were building 3-BR homes. I saw the opportunity for selling 4-BR homes. The Creekside neighborhood in Longmont.

Q. How have things changed in Boulder custom homebuilding?

A. Building in Boulder today is much more difficult with a much higher level of government regulation. Building science has progressed greatly. The homes built now are of much higher quality and energy efficiency than those built in the past.

Q. How are things the same?

A. First and foremost we still must offer value. We still focus on behind the paint quality, not just the finishes. We have long led the way in the construction energy efficient new home and still do.

Q. What are a few things you see for the future?

A. I see a market that more than ever demands energy efficient homes. The trend is for smaller homes, particularly ranch style homes with fewer formal spaces. Overall the market is trending to smaller home sites. We still focus on larger ones.